Thursday, June 19, 2008

to the Queen City - South

We left the Samuelson's today with a few extra food items for the trip. We logged a solid 60 miles for the day. The morning ride was especially pleasant, with relatively cool weather, the wind to our backs and few hills negotiate. The afternoon was a little more hilly and warm as we passed through places like Pittsboro, Siler City and Asheboro (all in North Carolina still). We took the time to stop for a few adventures including a playground obstacle course competition between Paul and Austin (undocumented) and some shopping at a hard-to-classify "store" that was right on the highway. Ricky, one of the proprietors, showed us around, and let us take pictures with him the knight, which was a main attraction for us.

We got in to Charlotte around 6pm and found the Shropshires' home just 20 minutes south of downtown Charlotte, the "Queen City - South" (informed readers will know that Cincinnati, Ohio is also referred to as the Queen City). A fantastic meal was had thanks to this wonderful family, which included some of best tasting Chocolate cake ever created; chocolate cake that is also believed to increase performance in road bicyclists. Afterward, we drove in to downtown Charlotte and hung out with Tony D and his wife Jamie (old friends and Rally supporters), who treated us to some performance enhancing beverages at a nice local spot.

Back to the homestay, tying up loose ends and firming up plans...

~P, C and A

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