Randy and his neighbor Carsten biked with me to the edge of their subdivision. Owen tagged along in a buggy ...
Owen took the role very seriously ...
After leaving the Lea's, I got on Route 1 and headed through historic Fredericksburg toward Richmond. The mileage wasn't as bad as the heat. And the heat wasn't as bad as the drivers. An old lady in a Lincoln came close to my handlebars (I don't think she could see very well).
Most of the others weren't as bad ... the beans ended up being good - I had more energy today than yesterday - must have been the beans.
Saw three deer. Two were bounding, and the other (sadly) had been involved in a traffic accident.
We finished up about 64 miles at 5:40. We pulled up to our host family (the Strickler's), and they had put up a huge welcome sign ...
Olivia (3rd to the right) did the painting. Harrison (yellow jersey) is our Richmond hero. We are doing a ride with him tomorrow called the "Tour de Harrison Victory Lap" to celebrate his victory over leukemia. Harrison and his family wanted to do a special ride to raise money and help other kids facing the same challenges that Harrison faced with his cancer.
They have already raised over $13,000 for research.
~ Austin