Friday, June 30, 2006

Washington, DC: Fundraisers and Whale Families

Today we had a fundraiser in honor of Carolyn and Carsten, two kids in DC. The people at Outback were fabulous as usual, and tomorrow we are going to continue the events by having a special ride with Carsten in Alexandria with a local bike shop, Spokes, Etc. We are hoping to round up a bunch of folks for the ride - we're gonna ride 10 miles along the Potomac. After that, Tom and I are going to finish up and ride into Baltimore. We calculated 47 miles, but knowing us, we could have miscalculated :) You'll all just have to check back tomorrow.

We went to Georgetown Hospital this afternoon as well, and we got to see several more kids. They made us sing the "Whale Song" again, and I got to teach a few kids in the waiting room some tricks on the piano. Wish we had more time to visit with some of the people we talked to today, but we passed out lots of our cards so that everyone can email us as we pedal north.

As we were driving back to our host family, we got stuck in rush hour traffic, and we took the opportunity to pass out some whale hats and flyers to the surrounding cars - the response was priceles. Almost everyone was excited to take a hat and say hi. The only exception was a lady who said, "I don't need a whale. I already have a whole family of them." (we weren't really sure what she meant, but it sure did sound funny). ha ha - and that's a rap for today. more tomorrow.

~ Austin

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